Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Will the G.O.P. Make a Similar Gaffe?

In the previous post I implied I thought that Democrats (read Barack Obama) made a serious, obvious error in naming Sen. Joe Biden as the V.P. choice, and that’s with all due respect to Sen. Biden’s credentials. Had the nominee been Sen. Hillary Clinton, a change in Party in the White House, come January, would have been virtually assured.

Now, I’m beginning to wonder if Republicans (read John McCain) will sip the same Kool-Aid. A Mitt Romney pick (rumored to be strongly in the running), in my estimation, does just that.

What the Republicans need is a candidate who will lure “disgruntled Hillary-supporters” into the red camp. And what is the logical candidate gender to best do that? Duh. And then which party would be the more “progressive” with its ticket?

There are three female V.P. candidates I’ve seen or heard being bandied about as among the top choices. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, and McCain campaign economic advisor Carly Fiorina, former Hewlett-Packard CEO. Of course Condie Rice is always mentioned as well but appears not to be interested.

In my humble opinion, Carly Fiorina stands head and shoulders above the others. She’s a brilliant economist, proven leader and great communicator. But what do I know? If it happens, though, you saw it here first.

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