Thursday, March 01, 2007

Church Dismantling Culture

Let me just say that as a layman I am ill-equipped to discuss this topic. My son Gregg, however, is a pastor who lives in the church/culture world everyday. And he is endeavoring to process the challenging related tensions.

If you're into serious contemplation, theologically and philosophically, about how the church (should) affect our culture and about how our culture may be affecting the church, check out Gregg's post today on his blog. You can click here to read it.

His thoughts best reflect my observances for today, as I could never come up with anything this insightful. But be aware. It could be the beginning of a fascinating journey.


Gregg Koskela said...

Thanks for the words and link, dad!

If you want to be true to Brueggemann, you might want to change the title of your post to "Church dismantling culture". This is liberation theology with an intense biblical grounding. Niebuhrites need not apply.

Roger Koskela said...

Done. As I said, what do I know? :-)

Gregg Koskela said...

You know a lot!