Thursday, February 16, 2006

Waiting For the “Arctic Blast”

For several days now, here in the northwest, weather wags have been talking about an approaching “Arctic Blast” of dry, cold air that is supposed to arrive later today and last till at least noon on Sunday.

I’m getting a big kick out of the media “experts” who, instead of focusing on real issues, waste theirs (and our) time with atmospheric drivel.

On the radio yesterday, when my wife, Buddy (our dog) and I were running errands, we heard described, among other things, “how to prevent your water pipes from freezing” (let the faucet drip), “how to insulate your exterior doors so cold air can’t get in” (weather strip them) and “how to prevent your shrubs from freezing” (cover them).

Now, come on, do we need media blowhards giving us this obvious, common sense advice?

I suppose there are people who wouldn’t think of doing anything when the temperature drops dramatically (especially here in the “mild” northwest) but I never cease to be amazed by the media’s “concern” with weather. If you want to know what the weather is like, look or go outside. If it’s cold, put on a coat. If it’s raining, take an umbrella.

Getting advanced warning about an expected drastic temperature drop is nice. But I’m likely not going to remodel my house before it comes. Plus, what they’re calling an “Arctic blast” is two days of temps with a range of a high of around freezing and a low in the teens.

Maybe the weather wags ought to live in International Falls, Minnesota. There, they’d quickly learn what an “Arctic blast” really is.

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