Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Sermon and a Summons

In my January 25 post, I mentioned that after reading The Challenge of Jesus by N.T. Wright, I was disturbed by my own ineptness as a functioning follower of Christ. I have a lot of self examining to do in this regard.

Earlier today my son Gregg, who’s a Friends pastor in Oregon, preached a powerful sermon that pretty well summarizes what has been bouncing around in my head. Click here to read it. Then, if you'd like, print it out and read it again in a day or two – for reasons obvious after you read it.

At the core of my frustration with myself is the realization that I have really not engaged the faith by putting it to work among those with whom I rub elbows on a regular basis or especially among those who I know are in some sort of need or who are ostracized for some reason.

Of course I have all kinds of reasons why I don’t, and some of them might even contain a grain of legitimacy. But I believe the simple fact is that I have not bothered enough to connect with those who need to experience God’s love as expressed through my faith and my life.

You’ll understand what I am getting at after reading Gregg’s sermon. It’s made my day. And hopefully it’s motivated me like a summons to try to begin to live differently.


Gregg Koskela said...

Thanks, dad. Part of what I was saying is that none of us quite break all the barriers like Jesus did; but it's good that as we encounter Jesus, he can change that.

Even if you are pushing 50.

Roger Koskela said...

With that last comment, are you trying to get back in the family Will? :-)