Monday, January 30, 2006

Faith Journey Puzzle Presents Blog Series Opportunity

In a previous blog post I indicated that, of late, more and more pieces in my faith journey puzzle are falling into place.

I find that I am being affected by many very encouraging factors – first and foremost my wife, who has blossomed as a wonderful, well-read confidant and spiritual sparring partner; my two sons as they each live out their respective callings and share their spiritual and theological considerations with me; my church and the pastors who are guiding our faith praxis; and of course a myriad of book authors who poignantly share their engagement with these important issues.

This morning while I was reading one such author and repeatedly saying to myself “right on”, “yes!”, and “why haven’t I discovered this before?”, I had an epiphany. Well, not exactly an epiphany. I was, however, fascinated with the idea that I could do a series of blog entries on this continuing "faith journey" theme.

Therefore, I have decided to do so. Because this series signals a paradigm shift in my thinking about spirituality, I’ve decided to call the series, Re-Drafting My Spiritual Formation. I’ll likely use chapter subheads for each post to describe the particular “Ah-HA” of the day.

Hopefully I’ll soon have the first post ready, in the series, but I’m not going to rush things. I’d rather that the posts were somewhat thought-provoking reflections (if that's possible for me) rather than spontaneous, “off-the-top” inspirations. We’ll have to see what evolves as we go.

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