Monday, June 15, 2009

Hayley Leap-Frogs Intermediate Band; Goes Right To The Top

Our Middle-school granddaughter Hayley will play in her school’s Advanced Band in September, without ever spending a day in Intermediate Band class. She’s pictured at left, playing in her year-end Beginning Band concert just over a week ago.

How was she able to accomplish this?

Hayley worked very hard on her clarinet skills over the last few weeks of her sixth grade school year and then voluntarily stayed after school to take 10 consecutive performance tests. She passed with flying colors, and, as a result, she gets to go straight to Advanced Band this Fall as a seventh grader. Usually, it’s only eighth graders who play in the Advanced Band.

Congratulations, Hayley, for a job well done!

What makes all this even more amazing is that Hayley first picked up a clarinet last September at the beginning of the school year, and began lessons then. So, in just nine months she has progressed from a raw rookie in Beginning Band to make it all the way to Advanced Band. Remarkable!

Above, on the same day as her band concert, Hayley also performed in a drama as part of one of her class projects. She’s the one in orange. :-) And thanks, Gregg, for posting the pics where I could get at them.

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