Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Snow Is Finally Gone – For Good, We Hope

Photo at left is what it's looked like around here for most of the past three weeks. Note how the weight of the snow made the tree branches droop. At right is what it looks like today. Woohoo, the snow has melted. For now. You can click on each photo for larger, more detailed images.

I had forgotten what it was like to be able to drive down our driveway and back up again in a normal manner. Controlled, accelerating, fish-tailing skids have been the routine lately.

The weather forecast is for “warmer than normal” temps for the next week or so. We’ll see.

P.S. 2:30 pm UPDATE: Well, yes, the snow is gone, but with the warmer temps, the ferocious winds associated with dramatically changing weather fronts came right up Agate Passage out in front of us. Trees are going down in the area like matchsticks, many weakened from heavy snow loads, I assume. We just got our power back after said winds knocked down a big conifer nearby. This resulted in our SIXTH power outage since December 14. Fortunately, this one lasted only a bit more than an hour. I think we've had "our share" for a time.

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