Early this morning I jumped in the old “fishing buggy” and headed east over the Cascades to do some reconnaissance on potential trout lakes. However, the pic above is a good indication of how the “reconnaissance” went.
On my way from Lake Easton to Cle Elum Lake, I passed through the little town of Roslyn, the town where the popular 1990’s TV series, “Northern Exposure” was filmed. Of course on television the town was not Roslyn, Washington but Cicely, Alaska.
Let’s just say that there is not much in Roslyn, but the famous TV landmark of fictitious Cicely is still there. As you can see, the large wall mural looks like it was freshly painted.
As far as fishing lakes goes, I swung by almost a half dozen lakes: Keechelus, Lost, Kachess, Easton and Cle Elum. Only wet a line at Easton, with little results. I forgot what summer does to lakes on the much warmer eastern slope.
Just about every one was low, shallow at the accessible shoreline, and virtually impossible to fish unless you had a boat – which I didn’t. And in many cases the water was too low to easily launch even if you had a boat.
But I did get a nice picture by which to remember the excursion. However, the moose that walked down the street in the TV version was nowhere to be seen today.
hey, did you know that Kurt Lutterman, our Facilities Manager, is lead in the every other year Northern Exposure Reunion. A large event, 98 this year, with one person from Croatia...he has Peg, hmm, whoever, a lead actress' license plate holder...quite a cult following and a very sweet BREWERY there, I am told, God bless, Pastor Jim
Most interesting. I must admit, however, that I'm not sure my interest in an old TV series would prompt me to attend a reunion. the brewery aspect holds promise however. :)
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