Hayley is an amazing young lady. She is sweet, smart, very athletic, and as tech-savvy as they come. Her outer beauty is simply a reflection of what is inside, and we are all very proud of her.
To celebrate her birthday, she had three of her close friends at her house for a sleepover in the RV on Friday night, followed by a big pancake breakfast served up by Dad on Saturday morning.
Unfortunately, we got there a bit too late to enjoy Gregg’s tempting flapjacks, but we did have a nice time seeing Hayley and her buds having fun before her guests went home early Saturday afternoon.
Then in the evening, Dad and mom treated us all to a birthday dinner at a nearby baseball-themed restaurant called Li’l Cooperstown. The eatery is filled with baseball photos and memorabilia sort of like the real Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY. It was great fun.
We capped the weekend by attending church yesterday, and Gregg delivered another very incisive sermon. Hopefully, I’ll be able to do a post on it sometime in the next few days. Here’s an advance peek at the headline: “Go… and be the Church.”
ADDENDUM - 3/17/09 ---
Pic below of beautiful baby Hayley was taken on the day of her birth in 1997. This is really frightful a) to see how much Kay Lynne and I have aged in 12 years (me, mostly), and b) to note that neither of us wore glasses then (now we both wear tri-focals) and both of our hair colors have changed since then (naturally, of course). That's cute little Natalie (Talli now), almost three then, in the lower right.

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