I was not able to get any photos of the actual ceremony because, first, it was a worship service, and secondly, both sets of grandparents were standing up with Nathan and his parents in front of the congregation. This photo we took several days ago at his home where he gave us his “I’ve been really good; can I have a cookie?” look.
He sure is a charmer.
Church bodies observe the dedication rite in a variety of ways. The basic intent is that the child is welcomed into a nurturing community of love within his or her local parish. In this way, parents, grandparents, family and members of the congregation together agree and commit to participate in helping to raise the child in faith.
Today was Nathan’s day to be presented to God. Luke chapter 2 tells of baby Jesus himself at a very young age being taken to the Temple for the same purpose. Our prayer for Nathan, as has been our prayer for our own sons and for all of our grandchildren, is that he, and they, will grow up in the knowledge and wisdom of God, acknowledge the provision of salvation for them, and live their lives in the faith, as God would guide them.
Thanks be to God.
Nathan is both handsome and looks much like his beautiful grandmothers!
He also looks like one who will not like fishing but will probably end up being a professional poker player.
Handsome lad!
Congratulations, Jamie & Doug.
Sometimes God works in mysterious ways. But with Nathan's blood line on both sides, the chances of him not liking fishing are none and nil.
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