At right is Aubrey last year on her fifth birthday. The lower pic is Aubrey when we were all together in Disneyland; she was just shy of four. This is my all-time favorite pic of her.
You can tell that Aubrey knows who she is and that she’s not shy about expressing it. And did I mention she likes sunglasses? And likes to dress up? And is a bundle of fun?
Aubrey also knows exactly what she likes, and she’s thought a lot about how she’d like to celebrate her birthday.
For this event, she’s chosen a place called Safari Sam’s – a Chuck E. Cheese-type place (with a whole lot more food than just pizza) that has all manner of interactive, fun, climbing and jumping activities and games.
“It’s TWICE as big as Chuck E. Cheese,” she points out. “You can even get lost in there,” she warned us today on the phone. Ok, I’ll carry a GPS.
Tomorrow will be again one of those days that grandparents live for. And we’re no exception. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AUBREY!
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