Blog posts enable me to exercise what few writing skills I have, and the composite blog then provides a nice chronology for events. (At my age I need assistance later in remembering in what order things happened and in keeping everything in perspective.)
Fall colors are now in bloom, as you can see, but lately I’ve not added much to these pages. Maybe for good reason.
During the past 10 days we’ve had the wettest five days in our State since records have been kept. Our kitchen renovation was finally completed after more than 12 weeks of semi-disarray. And we had house guests from California over last weekend while celebrating my cousin’s 60th birthday.
Additionally, due to some of the above, I missed out on a salmon fishing excursion to the Oregon coast with my California buddy, Ed Wall. We’ll have to do it next year.
With Thanksgiving approaching, the days will stay busy. We’ll likely spend Turkey Day with relatives, enjoy a day or two in Oregon next week with our granddaughters and then look forward to an early December week in California with cronies.
Hopefully, I’ll have time to add posts for most of it (not that anyone’s interested but me).
Contrar!! I read your blogs daily with interest. How else will I know when it rains in the Northwest, what's new in Lutherland, what boat presently adorns your property and what a Quaker has to say!!!!
Hpwever, noticeably silent is any discussion of recent elections (i.e. "Bush Bangings")!
Go, Nancy!
I remain in anticipation of each and every blog!
I'm reading, too. Glad the kitchen is done, and I hope you still have a foundation after all the rain.
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