To the west of us, the freshly snow-capped Olympic mountains are gleaming in the sunlight, set off by green forests and the deep blue waters of Agate Passage in Puget Sound. Truly, the firmament today shows the fathomless handiwork of God himself.
I snapped the above photo early this afternoon just after returning home from church. A few minutes later I was taking in more of the glorious scene from our front balcony, while keeping one eye on the dog attending to his duties, when I noticed the water stirring in just one place about 100 yards off shore.
Such an occurrence I had not seen before, so I kept watching. Suddenly the turbulent water parted, and a large, ballooning mist shot upward some 20 feet or more into the air. I blinked – and blinked again – and yelled for Kay Lynne.
A large whale had just exhaled right in front of our house. After blowing, she slowly rolled forward, back into the water, and her tail appeared momentarily just before she disappeared. It was a visual I’ll never forget.
I assume it was a “she” because I’ve heard of mother Grays and Orcas guiding their calves into the shallower areas of Puget Sound to more easily teach them a life lesson. Usually the sightings occur in the deeper waters of the main Sound,
We have had sightings recently, however, in Sinclair Inlet in the Bremerton area. But never, since we’ve lived here at least, in Agate Passage, which at high tide doesn’t reach 10 fathoms.
I’m going to assume it was a gray whale because I saw no large dorsal that are distinctive of Orcas. But whatever the species, it was large. I just wish I’d have had my camera on the balcony.
Just found your comment to me over at locusts and honey. sorry it's prob been there for ages :(
my husbands family (my surname) come from Merikarvia /Pori area and my friend with surname is from Eastern Finland
I suppose you know it means by the waterfall - and I love it.
It would be fun if youw ere serious about coming to Finland ... but hope you'd keep in touch anyway :)
Hi, Roger. Isn't the world of digital wonderful! You can take the Sierra mountains here in California, add in an inlet from Lake Tahoe, add a yacht from Marina Del Rey and a sky from the Carmel area and come up with this photo that you have posted!
With this wonderful technology I bet they can even make me look "handsome"?
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