It’s starting to hit me that I sold my boat. The inanimate, but comforting, friend that used to sit at the foot of our front yard is no longer there. No one telepaths a “goodbye” as I drive away anymore nor nods a friendly brain-wave “hi” as I return.
I’m not ready to seek counseling yet, or anything like that, but pretty soon there will be warmer winds that will bring buds on the trees. And that will signal the trout in nearby lakes to awaken from their lethargic slumbering state.
My last boat could accommodate the chasing of salmon in Puget Sound. However, the truth is that I only do that about half a dozen times a year. I can rationalize charters for those occasions.
Trout fishing is quite another matter. If I had my druthers, I’d be trout fishing once a week. And the truth is, you don’t need a big, expensive boat for that. Key word "need." Heck, I could get by on an aluminum 14-footer with a 10-horse four-cycle engine.
You know what? As I write this, I’m feeling better as I go, sort of solving my dilemma with each successive key-stroke. The photo above is off of “Boat Trader Online.” I suppose this used Smokercraft Alaskan model would “do” just fine.
I’m not ready to seek counseling yet, or anything like that, but pretty soon there will be warmer winds that will bring buds on the trees. And that will signal the trout in nearby lakes to awaken from their lethargic slumbering state.
My last boat could accommodate the chasing of salmon in Puget Sound. However, the truth is that I only do that about half a dozen times a year. I can rationalize charters for those occasions.
Trout fishing is quite another matter. If I had my druthers, I’d be trout fishing once a week. And the truth is, you don’t need a big, expensive boat for that. Key word "need." Heck, I could get by on an aluminum 14-footer with a 10-horse four-cycle engine.
You know what? As I write this, I’m feeling better as I go, sort of solving my dilemma with each successive key-stroke. The photo above is off of “Boat Trader Online.” I suppose this used Smokercraft Alaskan model would “do” just fine.
But let’s see… It doesn’t have downriggers ($500) or a side control console ($750) or a canvas top for our Northwest weather ($900). Plus the cost of the boat. Yikes, here we go again….
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