Thursday, December 28, 2006

Sharing Environmental Viruses

Are viruses airborne? Or on stationary surfaces? Or can they jump, like fleas, from person to person?

Not that it really matters. A cold is a cold, and once you get it, it’s pretty much gotta run its course.

My wife caught her cold first. We don’t know from whom or where. Mine could have originated with her or any number of other possibilities.

I’ve learned this. Cold viruses can’t reproduce on surfaces, but they are infectious for a period of time. They can only multiply inside our bodies.

Our mothers telling us to wash our hands often was for good reason. So, to stay free of colds, you’ve got to not touch any surface that might contain a rhinovirus nor breathe in deeply when you’re near someone who’s got one. Sounds like an impossibility to me.

Diagram at left shows how a cold virus attaches itself to your nose lining. Looks like a space vehicle docking with a station. Then it multiplies until it takes over your nasal passages and sinuses. No wonder my head has felt like a balloon for the last two days.

But our colds are getting better now. Did you know you can have a cold and not have symptoms? True.


Anonymous said...

My only question is as follows:

Who asked?

But I should know by now that Roger will always answer questions that no one is asking!!!!!

Anonymous said...

To ask not is to remain in ignorance.