Tuesday, July 25, 2006

We are privileged indeed

How many parents get to be taught by their children? I’m not referring to trivial insights about everyday living, but to whole, fresh perspectives for life and faith.

In recent years, my wife and I have often been blessed in this way.

Yesterday’s blog post by my son Gregg is an example of what I’m talking about. Click here to read it.

I feel you’ll go a long way before you find a better synoptic apologetic of the Christian faith and how it can affect the way one lives. But then, I’m his dad, so maybe I’m biased (freely admitted).

You may also want to check out his second post yesterday which was a tongue-in-cheek “illumination” of the original. The last paragraph in this particular post could be the spine of a book. It deals with the essence of what our faith should encompass.

This time it happened to be Gregg who has enriched our spiritual understanding. Our other son Doug has done likewise, many times in the car on our way to or from a fishing trip, when you have time to just talk things out.

As parents, my wife and I are privileged indeed.

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